Australian Brain Alliance EMCR Network

Our aim is to establish a platform for early-to-mid career brain scientists to develop into future leaders and to drive Australian brain science forward.

About the Australian Brain Alliance EMCR Network

Vision: To shape the future of Australian brain science by empowering the next generation of leaders.

Mission: To support emerging brain scientists in Australia and foster interdisciplinary research from discovery to development and translation.

You can keep up to date with the ABA EMCR Network hereand follow them on X / Twitter and YouTube.

The Australian Brain Alliance (ABA) EMCR Network is a new initiative of the Australian Academy of Science and the Australian Brain Alliance that aims to shape the future of Australian brain science by;

  • Establishing a vibrant, innovative and interdisciplinary network that supports emerging researchers.
  • Providing a platform that breaks down existing structural barriers between the various brain science disciplines from discovery to technology and translation.
  • Helping shape the national policy toward brain science and provide advocacy for EMCRs.


  • Increased opportunities for networking with a broad range of researchers across a wide range of disciplines.
  • Access to international training scholarships, and visiting scholarships in national networks.
  • Highlighting and leveraging off the infrastructure that is available within Australia and promoting the use and sharing of these facilities.
  • Exclusive invitation to the ABA EMCR Network sponsored events, symposia and conferences.
  • Creating a platform for media engagement of brain science by directing media enquiry inquiries to relevant and interested EMCR members.
  • Providing a direct voice in shaping the future of the ABA EMCR Network
  • Distributing an online newsletter with information about the activities of the network and member updates and stories.


  • Having a dedicated commitment to serve as a champion for equity, diversity and inclusion within Australian brain sciences.
  • Actively identifying and responding to barriers to opportunity for Australian EMCRs in brain sciences.



  • Membership of the ABA EMCR Network is targeted for early-to-mid career researchers (less than 15 years since PhD was awarded, excluding interruptions).
  • You are also able to sign up for notifications if you are a student (PhD candidates). Please indicate you are a student under year PhD awarded.
  • If you are a member of the public interested in brain science you are welcome to join as a subscriber. We also encourage you to become a Brain Champion.

There are no membership costs

To sign up please email:


ABA EMCR Network Victoria Showcase

Wednesday  29 August, 2018
10:30am – 1:00pm

Ian Potter Auditorium, Kenneth Myer Building
144/30 Royal Parade
Melbourne, VIC 3052

Register here:



Australian Brain Alliance EMCR Network Townsville Showcase

The National Science Week 2018-Australian Brain Alliance EMCR Network North QLD Showcase was held on 13th August at the Science Place in James Cook University, Townsville. The showcase was launched and chaired by Prof. Mohan Jacob (Associate Dean Research Education; Head, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, College of Science and Engineering, James Cook University).

The Invited Speakers for the showcase were (1) Dr. Hayley Letson (Research Fellow, Trauma & Sepsis Group; Topic: Concussion in sport; lessons from the battle field), (2) Dr. Smriti Krishna (Research Fellow, Vascular Biology Group; Topic: Cerebral disease: what we know about its relation to Epigenetics), (3) Dr. Alexandra Trollope (Senior Lecturer, Anatomy & Pathology; Topic: Modelling stroke in animals) & Dr. Nicole Thomas (Psychology Lecturer; Topic; To pass or not to pass: How we navigate crowds?).

We had a small but engaging crowd to listen to the interesting presentations. Since the crowd was intimate, it facilitated engaging discussions. The highlight of the showcase was presence of high school students who also asked interesting questions. The other interesting incidence was having a stroke survivor Mr Damir Muftic among the audience who also happened to be the North Queensland Ambassador for APHASIA. The experiences and perspectives shared by Mr Damir after listening to the ABA-Showcase gave a valuable insight into the importance of research topic that we showcased and the requirement of more funding in this key research area.

Another interesting turnout of the ABA-Showcase was that the invited speaker were also invited to present the same topic by an organisation called U3A Townsville (University of the Third Age). U3A Townsville provides information sessions and classes for the older members of the society to improve their quality of life by keeping their brain active.

I think the highlight of the showcase is the fact that Brain research is a key area and the wider community, young high school students as well as older community members found the topic equally engaging.

Written by Dr Smriti Krishna.